Java Android Admission Open | Business Skills Institute

Java Android




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This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Android app development using the Java programming language. Whether you're a beginner looking to start your journey in mobile app development or an experienced developer seeking to expand your skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to create Android applications.


  • Basic understanding of Java programming.
  • Familiarity with programming concepts is helpful but not required.

Course Duration: 12-16 weeks (adjustable based on the pace of the class)

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Android Development

  • What is Android development?
  • Setting up Android Studio
  • Anatomy of an Android app
  • Your first "Hello World" app

Module 2: User Interface (UI) Design

  • Layouts and views in Android
  • Creating interactive UI elements
  • Styling and theming Android apps
  • Design principles for mobile UI

Module 3: Java Essentials for Android

  • Java programming basics
  • Data types and variables
  • Control flow (if statements, loops)
  • Functions and methods

Module 4: Building Activities and Intents

  • Activities in Android
  • Creating multiple activities
  • Navigating between activities
  • Passing data with Intents

Module 5: User Interaction and Event Handling

  • Handling user input (buttons, text input)
  • Responding to touch and gestures
  • Creating custom UI components
  • Implementing event listeners

Module 6: Android Storage and Data Persistence

  • Saving data with SharedPreferences
  • Working with SQLite databases
  • File storage and external storage
  • Content providers and data sharing

Module 7: Working with Lists and Adapters

  • Creating dynamic lists with RecyclerView
  • Customizing list items and adapters
  • Handling item clicks and selection
  • Implementing search functionality

Module 8: Networking and Web Services

  • Making HTTP requests with HttpURLConnection
  • Consuming RESTful APIs
  • Parsing JSON and XML data
  • Handling network connectivity changes

Module 9: Multimedia and Camera Integration

  • Capturing and displaying images
  • Playing audio and video
  • Using the camera and accessing photos
  • Multimedia best practices

Module 10: Location-Based Services

  • Working with location data
  • Implementing maps and geolocation
  • Geofencing and location tracking
  • Location-based app development

Module 11: User Authentication and Security

  • User authentication methods
  • Implementing secure login and registration
  • Data encryption and security best practices
  • OAuth and third-party authentication

Module 12: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment

  • Unit testing and instrumentation testing
  • Debugging Android apps
  • Preparing apps for deployment
  • Publishing apps to the Google Play Store

Final Project:

  • Students will develop a complete Android app of their choice, applying the skills learned throughout the course. The project will be presented to the class.


  • Weekly assignments and quizzes
  • Midterm project (developing a basic Android app)
  • Final project (creating a comprehensive Android application)


  • Android developer documentation
  • Online tutorials and articles
  • Recommended readings and references

This course outline can be adjusted based on the level of the students and the pace of learning. Practical coding exercises and real-world projects should be an integral part of the course to ensure students gain hands-on experience in Android app development with Java.

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